[玉山最低比價網] Brita 42633 Faucet Filtration System, white/ Black/Chrome (含濾芯/濾心) $1298
[玉山最低比價網] Brita 42633 Faucet Filtration System, white/ Black/Chrome (含濾芯/濾心) $1298:100000000149648,店

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Brita 42633 Faucet Filtration System, Black/Chrome


Technical Details

  • Unlimited, great-tasting water plus the elegance of black and chrome
  • Brita's most advanced water filtration system reduces 99% of lead that may be in tap water
  • Attaches easily to your faucet without tools
  • Features an electronic LED filter replacement indicator
  • Innovative, highly effective system uses Brita On Tap faucet filters

Product Description

From the Manufacturer
The Brita Faucet Filtration System is Brita's most advanced water filtration system. It attaches easily to your faucet without tools and features an electronic LED filter replacement indicator that flashes red when the filter should be replaced. This innovative, highly effective system uses Brita Faucet Filtration System.

The Brita Faucet Filtration System removes the microbes cryptosporidium and giardia and reduces chlorine (taste and odor), sediment, and 99% of the lead that may be present in your tap water. The Brita Faucet Filtration System has been tested and certified by NSF International, the nation’s leading testing authority for water filtration products. A filter replacement indicator is built into the Brita Faucet Filtration System and signals--by flashing red--the need to replace your filter after approximately 100 gallons or four months, whichever comes first.

Why should you use Brita?
Simple. It’s one of the best water filtration systems available. And when compared to bottled water, well… there’s no comparison. Brita produces simple and effective water filtration systems that use advanced technologies to turn ordinary household tap water into great tasting, healthier drinking water. Depending on which Brita systems you use, you can enjoy many levels of filtration benefits.

Benefits of Brita
The benefits of Brita are many. In addition to clear, fresh-tasting drinking water, Brita:

  • Makes great tasting coffee and tea, as well as cold drinks from juice concentrates and powdered mixes.
  • Improves the taste of foods cooked with water.
  • Makes better quality water for mixing infant formula.
  • Provides high quality water for women during pregnancy.
  • Costs much less than bottled water.
  • Is great for dogs and cats, which can be sensitive to chlorine in tap water.
  • It’s great for household plants which thrive with better quality water.

Why choose Brita over bottled water?

  • Brita filters are inexpensive--a fraction of the cost of bottled water.
  • Brita is NSF certified--verifying that Brita's claims are true. Not all bottled water is verified by an independent agency.
  • Some research shows that certain bottled waters contain impurities such as bacteria that people find undesirable and unhealthy.
  • Brita systems are reusable and last for years.
  • Bottled water containers often end up in landfills.
  • Brita is fast, easy and convenient--accessible right at your tap.
  • You have to go to the market, buy, carry and store bottled water.

The Brita Products Company warrants to the consumer that for the period of THIRTY (30) DAYS from the date of purchase, the BRITA FAUCET FILTRATION SYSTEM, when used strictly in accordance with instructions, has the effect on municipally treated, potable tap water described in the enclosed literature.

Product Description
The most reknowned water filtration system for healthier, great-tasting water, right from your tap. It eliminates 98. 7 of the Lead and reduces Sediment, Chlorine and chemicals that may be linked to cancer risk in your water with a sleek chrome look

Product Details

Product Dimensions: 10.1 x 6.4 x 3 inches ; 10 pounds


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